Chess Horse Puzzle Fantogame
Pass through all the pawns once and only once, the pawns are automatically eliminated from the pattern once taken.
Jump with the knight so as to pass where the pawns are, the pawns are fixed, their position changes with the pattern. you must take the pawns only once to finish the pattern. the knight must continue to take one pawn at a time until the end. you can ask for hints that indicate which pawns to take first (a hint) and which last (another hint) the order of the hints is determined by the number the first pawns to take are green, the last are blue
back – go back one move
reset – restart the pattern
the aids make the pattern start again
easy – 6 pawns
medium – 10 pawns
hard – 20 pawns
master – 50 pawnsoni
medium – 10 pedoni
hard – 20 pedoni
master – 50 pedoni