Naval Combat Fantogame
Play Naval Combat Fantogame
Ships are arranged automatically.
there is 1 ship out of 5
there is 1 ship out of 4
there are 2 ships out of 3
there are 3 ships out of 2
there are 4 ships out of 1
You can play:
Against PC and Multiplayer with leaderboard and Friends List
To play Naval Combat you need four tables (two per player), all 10×10.
The squares of the table are identified by pairs of coordinates, corresponding to row and column; traditionally we use letters for columns and numbers for rows (so the cells are “A-1”, “B-6” and so on). At the beginning, players will have to place their ships by marking them on one of their two grids (which they will keep hidden from their opponent for the duration of the game).
A “ship” occupies a certain number of adjacent squares in a straight line (horizontal or vertical) on the table. Two ships can touch each other. Players agree in advance on how many ships to have and what size. You may notice that many players use (although not always consistently) a particular terminology to refer to ships of various sizes; for example, a submarine is usually a size 3 ship, along with the cruiser, a destroyer is size 2, and the longest ships are armored (size 4), and so on. Once the ships are placed, the game proceeds in turns. The player whose turn it is “fires a shot” by declaring a square (for example “B-5”). The opponent checks his grid to see if that square is occupied by one of his ships. If so, he replies “hit!” and marks that square on your table; otherwise, he replies “water” or “failure”. On the second table provided, players keep track of the shots fired and their outcome. When a shot hits the last square of a ship that has not yet sunk, the player who suffers the shot must declare “hit and sunk!” and the ship is considered lost. The player who first sinks all of his opponent’s ships wins.
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