Super math icona

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[youtube video= autoplay=1/]

the goal of the game is to get the 3-digit number indicated above, gold in color, with 5 moves that consist of using one of the 4 operations.
In addition, for each move, you can delete a digit from one of the two numbers with which you are doing the operation.

how to play:

at the beginning of the game are indicated:
a 3-digit base number (green or white)
the number to reach, always 3 digits, yellow in color

for each move:

at the beginning an additional 2-digit number is assigned (operand)

1) you can remove a digit from the operand or from the base number (optional)

2) then you can add or subtract or multiply or divide the base number by the operand:

The subtraction must be: base number minus operand

the division must be: base number divided by the operand

3) the result will be the new base number

after the fifth move the game ends.

the scoring categories:

if, in any of the 5 rounds, the total is equal to the target number (in this case the game ends)

if, after the 5th round, the total is close to the target number
if, after the 5th round, the total is less close to the target number

the range of the scoring categories is always shown at the beginning of the game

the target number is shown in gold (yellow)

in online multiplayer, the numbers: target, initial total and all operands are the same for everyone and the one that is closest to the target wins

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Play Store

By admin